
How to Make Delicious Semolina Pudding

  How to Make Delicious Semolina Pudding  Introduction   Semolina pudding , also known as suji halwa or semolina porridge, is a delightful dessert that is popular in many cultures around the world. It's a creamy and comforting dish made from semolina, sugar, ghee (clarified butter), and a variety of flavorings such as cardamom, saffron, and nuts. Whether you're craving a warm and soothing dessert on a chilly evening or looking for a quick and easy sweet treat, semolina pudding is the perfect choice. In this blog post, we'll take you through the steps to make this delightful dessert in your own kitchen.  Ingredients:  For this simple and delicious semolina pudding, you'll need the following ingredients:  - 1 cup semolina (suji)  - 1/2 cup sugar (adjust to taste)  - 1/4 cup ghee (clarified butter)  - 2 cups water  - 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder  - A pinch of saffron threads (optional, for color and flavor)  - Nuts for garnish (e.g., almonds, cashews, pistachios)  - Raisi

how to make special tea

special tea Often people like to drink tea in the winter season which gives warmth to the body as well as freshness. If tea is drunk in the form of medicine, then it is even better. In today's post, I will teach you to make such a tea which will also act as medicine and will also be very tasty to drink. necessary ingredients Take small cardamom big cardamom  black pepper  cloves and lentils  in equal quantity and dry them well in the sun and grind them in a mixer.  Whenever you make tea, add a pinch to it, it will also make the tea tasty and will also save you from cold and cold.

how to make mawa/khoya gram flour ladoos

  necessary ingredients   1 cup khoya (mawa)  1 cup gram flour  1 table spoon ghee  5 to 10 almonds Coarsely ground  small cardamom powder One teaspoon  few pieces cashew nuts  method of preparation First, heat ghee in a pan, then add gram flour to it.  Roast the gram flour in low flame for 10 to 12 minutes.   When the gram flour smells sweet and turns slightly brown in color, then add mawa (khoya) and mix it well.   Then add almonds and cardamom powder and mix well.  Then switch off the gas and allow the mixture to cool lightly.   After that add sugar powder (Bura) to it and mix it well and make laddoos of your choice.  And for decoration, keep each cashew nut on the laddu and keep it in a cool place.   Laddu can spoil quickly due to being mawa/khoya, so do not store them for more than a week.

how to make gram flour ladoos

gram flour ladoos necessary ingredients. 2 cup gram flour  1 cup sugar powder (bura)  1 cup ghee  1/2 cup cashew or almond coarse powder  1 table spoon finely chopped pistachios  Method of preparation First heat ghee in a pan on low flame and then add gram flour to it and mix it well.  Mix it up  Fry this mixture for about 10 to 15 minutes.  When the color of the gram flour starts to turn light brown and a slight smell starts coming, then add cashew or almond powder and mix it well.  Mix well, switch off the flame and let the mixture cool down a bit.  When it cools down, add sugar powder (Bura) and mix it well.  After this, make laddus of your desired size and place finely chopped pistachios on the laddus for decoration.  Then serve the laddus to the guests.  You can also store them in an air tight jar for one to one and a half months.